The OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises (OECD Guidelines), the pre-eminent normative framework for responsible business conduct (RBC), were last revised in 2011. However, much has changed over the last ten years concerning RBC. Sector guides have been developed, a new climate agreement has been signed and technological developments are bringing new risks for people and the environment. In addition, the Dutch government has committed itself in various ways to new standards at the thematic level, for example in RBC agreements. In order to keep up with current developments and to maintain broad support for the OECD Guidelines, the MVO Platform calls for a revision of the Guidelines.

This position paper outlines which themes the MVO Platform would like to see included or improved in the revised OECD Guidelines, so that the expectations placed on companies in those areas become clear. The document examines the following themes (in random order):
* Climate change * Gender * Animal welfare * Digitalisation * Taxation * Land rights * Caste discrimination * Transparency * Labour rights * Children’s rights * Human rights defenders * Scope of the Guidelines * Conflict-affected areas