Summary of Discussions
The summary of discussion of the conference is now available for download. The document contains, for each seperate session, a short summary of the discussion and a list of the recommendations made by the participants.
Joint Conclusions
Immediately after the conference, the hosts published joint conclusions:
Conclusions of the hosts BHR Conference 11 May 2016
The three plenary sessions of the conference were recorded. You can view them by clicking on the links below:
Opening Session: Plenary Session B: Closing Session:
Social media coverage
In the Netherlands the conference was trending topic on Twitter the whole day. You can see the Twitter report by clicking here. Hashtag for the conference was #EU4HumanRights, a joint initiative of the EU and its Member States that aims at raising awareness about human rights issues in the world and discussing human rights priorities in EU foreign policy.
Video messages
The Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands, Mr. Bert Koenders, spoke to the participants via a video message:
As did Prof. John Ruggie, Berthold Beitz Professor in Human Rights and International Law, Harvard Kennedy School & Former Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Business and Human Rights: